NYC Photography by Jinnifer Douglass

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Motorcycle Themed Couples Photoshoot in Highland Park (Queens)

Janet surprised her boyfriend with the gift of a motorcycle themed couples photoshoot for his birthday. Since they were from out of town, there was a good deal of location scouting required prior to the photoshoot to ensure that we could find a place where we would be able to accommodate both bikes without getting in the way of others (or them getting in the way of us) without trespassing on private property or disrupting public areas. There were a lot of options we weighed, and eventually landed on Highland Park in Queens as our backdrop, about 1-2 hours before sundown. We started out with some individual portraits of each of them, then lots of couples shots together after that, and had a blast doing it!

Here are some of my favorite images from this shoot (click/tap to view full-size and un-cropped):

To see more examples of this style of photography, visit my couples gallery >>

All images in this blog post were shot on a Nikon D750, using a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 prime lens, all individually post-processed in Adobe Lightroom.

Jinnifer Douglass is a full-time freelance photographer based in NYC, shooting both digital and film for individuals and brands such as Google, Door Dash, Make Up For Ever, Squarespace, and more! Specializing in portraits, food, and special events, she works to make every piece of your social and website content ‘Insta-worthy’ with high resolution, full-frame DSLR photography and expert Lightroom editing. Interested in chatting? Leave a comment below, or send an email to!